
In this part of the website you will be able to learn a little about our local culture and certain things we do differently to the rest of the UK including having our own dialect.

Shetland has a real sense of community, this is very strong in Yell. Shetlanders are famed for their generous nature, raising money for many good causes.

Shetland is also known for it's Sunday Teas, a highlight on The Great Shetland Bucket List.

Shetland is also world renowned for it's music. Cullivoe has borne many very talented musicians including; The Cullivoe Fiddlers, Rack n Ruin, and Barry Nisbet which aids in a few very good nights out in the local village hall.

Cullivoe Up Helly Aa

One of the big events that we have is Up Helly Aa and the jarl is the man in charge with the jarl squad (kind of like the group of best men at a wedding) and back in 2019 James Nicholson, from Breckon, was jarl. He was joined by family and friends - a real honour.

And at the end of it all, the squad light up a hand build Viking boat and set it out to sea burning, then everyone has a large meal, watch some funny plays that people make up and party late into the night.

The Breckon Family were the centre of Cullivoe Up Helly Aa in 2019 - excerpts from the programme from that year: